Histology Instruction

Histology Training Series by Arraymold

These videos were created from techniques we have played with over the years. They will answer most questions you may have. If you need further assistants we do answer questions through email.

Histology Videos

1. Slide Repair and Coverslip Removal (NEW VIDEO)

2. New quick way to Re-Embedding Tissue Blocks

3. How to scroll a Tissue Block

4. Punch Techniques for DNA Sampling

5. How to Process Arteries with Metallic Stents

#1  Slide Repair and Coverslip Removal

This histology training video we show methods for removing plastic coverslips, removing glass coverslips without soaking in xylene and how to re-attach a plastic coverslip that has lifted off the slide with the tissue attached to the coverslip.


This histology training video explains two methods for re-embedding paraffin blocks. The first method is a process currently used in Histology around the world. The second procedure is a fast and simple method for repairing paraffin blocks that have minor damage or have been punched for DNA studies.


This histology training video explains how to create a clean scroll from a paraffin block for DNA testing.


This video explains how to punch a paraffin block for DNA studies. Techniques include how to keep a sample from contamination and what needs to be done for an accurate punch.


This video explains a new process for removing metallic stents from arteries. We use basic tools to accomplish this procedure. The process was presented as a poster presentation at the 2017 USCAP conference and will be published in the Journal, Cardiovascular Pathology in 2020.

More videos to come...

We are continually improving our library of videos. If you have questions or have an idea for a TMA instructional video please let us know. Thanks for watching.