Contact Info
ArrayMold L.C.
Ogden, Utah 84404 USA
You can reach Jandi or Thom:
Phone Number:
+1 (801) 528-2427
+1 (801) 599-5813

Our needle are out of stock at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
International Free Shipping with UPS. Customs and other fees are not included.
For Distributor Information please email:
Free World Wide Shipping.
- 1 Arraymold, 1 Stylets, 10 dermal needles, (OPTIONAL: 1 Aluminum plate), All instructional videos on website.
~ Please request the Aluminum Plate if you are considering doing Frozen TMAs (No Extra Charge)~
- 1 Control Arraymold (2mm 12 Core), 1 Stylet, 2 dermal Needles. QnA, All instructional material on website.
(No substitutions or other offers will be excepted once the Control Arraymold Kits are gone.)
If you have a problem with your Arraymold kit please contact us to explain the issue. We are very reasonable and we will do our best to help solve your problem with our products or techniques. If you have damaged the rubber mold and it is not acceptable for TMA construction, contact us. We do replace our products if it is accidentally damaged. We do require that you send us the damaged Arraymold mold so that we can study it to improve future designs.
If rubber mold rods have fallen out of the Arraymold due to product flaws,(example: air bubbles in the cores rods) we will replace the mold free of charge. We do not replace an Arraymold that have been damaged due to extensive use. We do ask that you return what's left in the Arraymold kit for a full replacement.
Arraymold LLC does not except returns or give refunds for products that have been used and no product flaws are visible. We reserve the right to decide if a product was used. If we decide the product shows usage or damage due to handling with no visible flaws due to manufacturing, we will not refund or replace the product with another product of same or lesser value. All sales are final. If a product was damaged or cracked because of use this does not validate a replacement product. We do not guarantee usage amount or shelf life.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Refer to QnA page for use and care of Arraymold Kits and our other products.
Arraymold products are for research and optimizing purposes. Kits do not come with tissues samples or paraffin.
User is responsible for care of products purchased and intended use.